"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bryson's Birth Day! (Warning...graphic!)

Seeing that he's almost a week old, already, I thought it a fine time to share his birth story with everyone! If you've been to visit, you've already heard this one, but for those of you who haven't, you're in for a good story!

On Wednesday, March 28th, we arrived at Hill Country Memorial at five in the morning for my induction. We got settled in LDR 2, which is the same room we delivered Kaylee in! (I get to request it for our next child, too!) By six o'clock, my nurse, Lorie, had my IV in and my pitocin drip started at a three. I was already dilated to a 4 and over 75% effaced, so this wouldn't take long. Gene and Kaylee were there with me, and my sister arrived shortly afterwards. My mom showed up not long after that with my niece, Madison. My mom called my dad to tell him to come to the hospital, instead of going to work, since I was already so far along. He's our waiting room babysitting service! He arrived, and we were all sitting and visiting when I heard a pop on the monitor and, simultaneously, felt my water break. That was around 6:50 a.m., and I was shocked! Dr. Cornett was on her way, but wasn't planning on being there to break my water until eight. My day shift nurse, Maci, checked my cervix, and I had progressed to a 7 with his head right there. She immediately called Dr. Cornett and told her to step on it! She told me that Dr. Stafford was on-call, so if Dr. Cornett couldn't get there in time, Stafford could deliver me. We went ahead and started on my epidural because I was starting to feel some pretty major contractions. The anesthesiologist said that only one person could stay with me, so my Mom and sister went out to the hallway. My dad had the kids down at the cafeteria eating breakfast. I was numbed for the epidural, and he stuck me once, twice, three times...unsuccessfully. He was calling for a spinal needle when I began to "growl." It's my thing...I growl...loudly! My sister heard this, also, and was crying, thinking the anesthesiologist was hurting me. She and my mom ran in. Maci told him to stop and asked me if I felt like I needed to push. I replied, "His head is coming out!" They couldn't turn me around fast enough. There was no table set up, no doctor, no gloves, no oil... Dr. Ramsay was down the hall discharging a patient and heard the commotion. Another nurse ran to him and told him that the head was out. He came in rolling up his sleeves, and no faster than they could put some pads under me did Bryson fly into his hands! I didn't even push! At 7:23 a.m., my baby boy entered the world in a hurry! There was no cutting the cord for Gene or my sister - the doctor did it. They hurried to set up the warmer and get him cleaned up. Meanwhile, I still hadn't delivered my placenta, and I was bleeding heavily all over the floor. I could've cared less about me. I had only heard a couple little squeals out of Bryson, and all I wanted was to know that he was alright. Dr. Ramsay told me I needed to push the placenta out. I tried, but it wasn't coming. He ended up having to, manually, reach in and help it along. After that, he and the nurse slowed my bleeding and repaired a small tear. At the speed my children enter the world, I will always tear. When it was all said and done, Dr. Ramsay patted me on the knee and said, "Good job! That's how it's done!" I thanked him, and he left. Dr. Cornett walked in as they were in the process of all of this, and told me, "What did you do? This wasn't the plan!" She proceeded to fill out the birth report. She asked the nurses, "How long did she push?" to which they replied, "She didn't." She put down 30 seconds just for the record. They finally let me hold my sweet boy! He was quiet and tiny and perfect! I was in shock...everyone was in shock! It all went so quickly - literally! It happened so fast that I was afraid I wouldn't remember it. It was no ordinary birth, to say the least. Dr. Cornett said that she plans on checking into the hospital with me next time around! She barely made it for Kaylee, even though they called her over when I was at an 8 with her. She missed Bryson all together! She wants to be prepared next time around, and she's convinced that after two natural births, I need to give up on the epidural idea! I guess it's good that I have a high pain tolerance!

So, that's the story! Bryson Laroy Leonard was born on March 28th, 2012 at 7:23 a.m. measuring 19 inches in length and weighing in at 7 lbs. 2 oz.! He is perfect, and we love him sooooo much already! He fits right into our family - perfectly!

Note: I have a lot of pictures, thanks to my fabulous sister, and I will post them soon - I promise!

Love and blessings,