"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Friday, April 19, 2013

Whoa...It's been awhile!

So what time better than between the time you take your ambien to the time you are supposed to go to sleep to decide you should blog again! That would be this crazy Momma! Gene is catching up on some very well deserved ZZZZz  in the big comfy bed, while I have chose this lovely leather sofa and an afgan my mama made for me to get me through the night. So why not blog!??

To say there have been some crazy things going on in the world would be an understatement. I hate to say it, but I was listening to the news the other day reporting another shooting, and it didn't even phase me! I cannot believe that people are so INSANE these days. Growing up in the country, and raising our children as we were raised seems like a good start to keeping them safe from all of the insanity that surrounds us, but how do we protect them when they are at an age where they can be influenced by so many other sources.

My child goes to a very small public school and a very rural community. I suppose that somedays you wish they could spend all of their time learning about rainbows and unicorns - and I'm focusing on playground teachings only here. Since the start of Kindergarden, my beautiful baby girl has had three wedding engagements and four boyfriends. They hold hands and walk around the playground talking about their future together, how many kids, dog or cat, etc. What!?? Now, I'm not claiming to have never chased a boy around the playground, but we were playing tag! These kids have some serious feelings out there - we're talking sending home love notes serious! All I know is we are in trouble with this one! Favorite Kaylee quote of the month: "Omie, what do you know about sex?!" Yep...we're in trouble!

Now, this guy...this little man that stole my heart....he calls me "Mama"....FINALLY! He is something else. I have the pleasure to watch his already gigantic personality get grander each and every day. He is still fairly innocent, but I don't imagine that will last for long. He gets his way with Mommy pretty much all of the time. I'm scared that he may be my last baby, so I don't want to spoil the fun by having to be so mean all the time. I'm sure  that is how we end up with Mama's boys, but I'm okay with that. He'll have plenty hunting and fishing time to counter any affects from shopping trips and days at the hair or nail salon! I'm sure that once this little man gets to talking, he's going to have lots to share and lots to learn. I just wish I could protect him from all of the bad things out there and those things he isn't ready to know just yet. Wish I had the answer for that one!

I know that we can't protect our babies from everything, and we can't shelter them forever. I look back to my parents' unwritten handbook on parenting, and I try to remember what they told me, what they taught me, what it was that they did that made me question myself and others, to make the better choice, to own up to my mistakes. We can take them to church, teach them to live by His word, but that's only a start. I always want to KNOW my kids - no matter their age. I want them to feel like they can share their problems with me and pray I'm able to help.

It seems that somewhere along the way, parents forgot that they were raising the future leaders of this great country (what's left of it at this point), and instead they just threw them into the world all hands out, saying "Gimme, gimme, gimme!" We can't do much for those that are already out there, but I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that my children step into this crazy world with eyes wide open and feet planted firmly on the ground! They'll have Jesus in their heart and common sense in their heads. And they will ALWAYS be loved the most by their MAMA!
Love and Blessings,

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