"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Saturday, November 19, 2011

20 Weeks & Vampire Babies!!!

Not only did I hit the halfway point in my pregnancy yesterday (20 weeks - yay!), but I got to have a "Girls' Night" with a couple of my favorite ladies, Karen and Sarah! We have made it a tradition to go see all of the Twilight Saga movies together (besides the first one), and it's always a great time!

The first time we all went together, we were going to be "cool" by going to the midnight showing. At the time, two of us were still in our twenties, but, somehow, we were the oldest people there - besides the parents dropping off their kids! For the last two movies, we wised up and started going to evening showings the day after the midnight madness.

Each time seems to be a different experience. Last night, the theater was filled with families and a lot of young kids - I mean YOUNG! Maybe I'm overprotective. I understand the movie is rated PG-13, but it is full of violence, sexual situations and partial nudity that my child is not allowed to see right now. Of course, they are allowed to have the f-word in PG-13 movies, too, so why even bother with ratings anymore? I understand that not everyone has read the books before they see the movies, so they don't know what they are "in store" for, but the fact that the past movies have insinuated that "Edward" won't...bed..."Bella" until after they are married should tell you that a movie involving their marriage might just involve the "bedding" situation, as well. If you've read the book, the scene plays out very violently. They definitely tamed it down for the movie - they had to in order to get to that rating! I still can't imagine explaining to my four-year-old what he was doing to her!

So, I'm pretty sure Bryson will be on his daddy's side of not really liking these movies. He "threw a fit" several times during the movie. I'm fairly certain he was frightened by the loud, violent fights between the werewolves, and during the last 15 minutes or so, he may have been looking for a way out - I'm not quite sure! I couldn't help but cringe a bit, and grab my belly when they cut "Bella" open to get the baby out - it was a bit much... I sure am glad that I'm not carrying a baby vampire...OUCH!!!:)

Well, that was our night! We had a great time, and we can't wait until Part II comes out in the Summer! You can bet we will be there, amongst all of the kiddos, enjoying some vampire love with the rest of America! When that is over, we can all be sad that the saga has ended, but we'll do our best to cope with our sorrows and find a new obsession! After all, we need a good excuse for many more "Girls' Nights Out!"

Until next time, here is a picture of Bryson at 20 weeks from the outside!

Love and blessings,

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