"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Friday, March 23, 2012

38 Weeks!!!

My, oh my, where has the time gone?!! Today, I am 38 weeks along in this pregnancy. There were days when I thought I'd never get here, and there are times when I wish the weeks hadn't gone by so quickly, as well.

At 38 weeks along with Kaylee, I was headed to the hospital to be induced. For awhile, Dr. Cornett thought this would be the route we'd be taking again, but it looks like my blood pressure has fallen back into a normal pattern. I've shown no more protein in my urine (major sign of preeclampsia), in the past three weeks, and I've had no other problems with swelling or headaches. The most irritating thing going on, I'd say, is the on and off contractions that I seem to be having. Since last Sunday, when I was awakened at 2 a.m. with painful contractions, I have been having similar contractions on and off. At times, they are even timeable! Then....they quit....for no apparent reason. Don't get me wrong, they are causing progression, and as of Tuesday, I was 2 cm dilated, 50% effaced, low and soft. I've had a couple other signs that labor is getting close, but here I sit, 38 weeks along and no baby! In fact, my contractions have decreased in the past two days. I am still holding onto the hope that my body will go into labor, naturally, as it should. I can't help but be a bit discouraged at the slow down, though. I, in no way, WANT to be induced, again, but Dr. Cornett says that this stage of labor can go on for the next couple weeks, and she could still have to induce me. I know that some women go past 40 weeks and still manage to have perfectly healthy babies, but I don't know if I have it in me. I am getting so anxious, waiting for something, anything, to happen! Patience is not my strong point!

I guess what is bothering me most at this time is that Kaylee has her first competition March 31st, and I do not want to miss it...nor do I want her to miss it. I have said to myself over the last few weeks that I am going, irregardless of stage of pregnancy or doctor's orders, but it scares me to be two hours away from the hospital. The last thing I want to do is jeopardise the health and safety of Bryson, but Kaylee deserves to have her mommy there, cheering her on! And, I, as a mommy, have the right to see my baby girl perform at her ONLY first dance competition! I keep praying for the strength to get through this, and I know that God has his plan, but it doesn't seem to make things any easier.

With any hope, I will go into labor in the next few days, and Bryson will be able to see his big sister perform! I keep holding onto that hope, since it is all I have at this point. Dr. Cornett won't be available today to deliver because her daughter has a swim meet out of town, but after that, I am ready to roll! I will be walking, mowing my yard, doing jumping jacks....whatever it takes to kickstart this plan into action! And, no worries, you will ALL be informed if and when this plan takes affect!!!

Until then, wish me luck, and please pray for the safe arrival of our baby Bryson very soon!!!

Love and blessings,

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