"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Get Outta My Belly!!!!

Okay, Bryson Laroy Leonard, the fun is over! YOU need to get your little tail movin' in a southward direction ASAP! I've done everything to keep you cooking for the necessary allotment of time, and now, it is time to come out and join your family!

I have been doing everything in my power, that I know of, to go into labor. I figure that if I am already 2 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced, it shouldn't take that much more to get it moving along, right?!! I've tried walking, standing on my feet all day long, eating spicy food, mowing, doing yardwork, washing vehicles, and more! Sure, I've gotten some good regular contractions over significant periods of time, but my water isn't breaking. Someone recommended primrose oil to try, but I've read that it just causes the cervix to soften, which has already happened for me. "Soft and low" is where I sit! I'm tempted to ask Dr. Cornett to strip my membranes at my Tuesday appointment. I've heard it is painful, and it doesn't always work. At this point, I am willing to try it, though. I have quite the pain tolerance, so a bit of pain doesn't scare me. These constant contractions are painful and annoying, so what's a little more pain?

Anyone that knows me knows that I prefer to be in control of everything, no matter the situation. I feel so out of control of our baby's arrival - that's not working for me! As I have stated before, I haven't had the pleasure of going into labor on my own. I have this feeling that it's not going to happen for me this time either. I'm not worried about Bryson being too big, at this point. This Tuesday will be our final ultrasound, so we will see what he is averaging, size-wise, then. I just know that I don't want to be in the hospital during Kaylee's competition, and I'd rather not be in during Easter either. I love the ladies that work at our hospital, and I know most of them. I'm sure none of them prefer to be working on Easter, and I want my nurses to be in a good mood during my stay! Plus, it might be difficult to arrange an Easter egg hunt at Hill Country Memorial!

I really hope Bryson decides to come out and meet us before I have to have my appointment on Tuesday, but if that doesn't happen, I hope that she has some better "news" on my status as a very pregnant lady! Until then, wish us luck! Here's hoping this boy will GET OUTTA MY BELLY very soon!

Love and blessings,

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