"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Friday, October 7, 2011

14 Weeks!!!!

As promised, I am posting an update on our bump! Today, we are exactly 14 weeks along, which officially, puts us in the second trimester! I know what you might be thinking....12 weeks is the first trimester...right?!! I thought this for years. After all, three months times four weeks per month equals 12 weeks. Nine months is full term...well, not in doctor's terms. That 40 week thing gets me, too!

I have to say, this first trimester was very different from when I was pregnant with Kaylee. Of course, there was that whole, "Will I miscarry?" question at hand. Fortunately, I felt really positive that everything would work out this time around. The biggest difference that I experienced was morning sickness. With Kaylee, I was sick morning, day and night well through the first trimester and into the second. This time around, there's been nausea to deal with occasionally, but it was more constant hunger than anything. Unfortunately, this has meant that I have had to eat - A LOT! This was hard for me going from barely eating to eating for what seemed like eight. (Not really, but I did feel a bit hoggish!) For awhile, I was terrified it was twins just because of the hunger factor. When I went in for my 12 week appointment, I was sure Dr. Cornett would be concerned about my weight gain. Apparently, four pounds isn't that bad because she didn't say a word. I still couldn't help but add it up in my head, though. Literally, I had gained a pound a week since my initial appointment with her. I certainly hope this trend doesn't continue! Luckily, things have leveled off this second trimester, and it seems that my eating habits have become more human once again. So many people have told me, "You're having a baby, you're supposed to gain weight!" The way I look at it, though, is that my bump is only about an ounce right now, the fluid adds a little more weight, and the rest is all mama! It's not like I didn't have a fat storage for this kid to work off of - that's what Kaylee did! I lost 15 pounds during the first trimester with her! I guess I'll just have to deal with the fact that this little one likes more cushion than that which is already available! Such a picky little thing - already!!!

So, as much as I dislike this part, I will, as promised, post bump progress photos. The first photo is the one I took the day I got my positive test - 4 weeks. The second was taken this afternoon - 14 weeks. (I know you are supposed to try to wear the same clothing for each photo, but I mistakenly took the first photo in my "small" jeans that I do not dare try to fit into today!)
Things have definitely....filled in...so to speak. Here's to hoping I can get back on the weight loss track after this little one makes his or her debut!

I was told today that I look cute pregnant, which I am sure was just kind words for a chubby mama! I'll take them, though! I am looking forward to getting an actual bump rather than what looks like a big dinner, and it can't come soon enough!

Gene and I were discussing the other night how quickly this pregnancy seems to be going. In six more weeks, he or she will be halfway cooked! April still seems so far off, though, to meet our little one. I keep telling myself to enjoy every moment of pregnancy, and in reality, I know there is so very much that needs to be taken care of before the big birthday! Kaylee asks all the time, "When can my brother come out?" (Yes, she thinks it's a boy!) We keep telling her that the baby has a lot of growing to do. She has been putting more thought into life when this baby gets here. She asked the other day where the baby would sleep. We showed her the room, and told her that if she wanted, she could have that room, with a bigger closet, if she wanted. She firmly told us NO with a dramatic explanation of not wanting to give up her butterflies and her pretty bed. Even after explaining to her that we would move everything and even offering to paint the room pink for her, she was standing her ground with her original NO. So, it looks as if this baby, whether it be a brother or a sister, gets the best closet in the house - besides mine, of course!

Things I am looking forward to in the second trimester:

1) No nausea! Well, it's still lingering a bit, but pretty much has said, "Farewell!"
2) Baby bump! I know I've "grown", but I'm ready to look like I'm smuggling a basketball under there!
3) More great blood pressure! So far, so good, and I hope it stays that way! I struggled with hypertension with Kaylee during my entire pregnancy, eventually going on bedrest and being induced two weeks early because of it. I know that the bigger the baby gets, the more pressure will be put on my body, so all I can do is pray that God and Dr. Cornett can keep things under control!
4) Boy or Girl?!! Yes, I will be sure to let everyone know as soon as we find out one way or the other. Right now, it is looking like we will be finding out around 20 weeks, which will be around Thanksgiving. I know it seems so far away, but it will be something that we will be "thankful" to find out!
5) Quality time with Kaylee! I know that once this baby does come, my time alone with Kaylee will be much more limited. I plan on getting to the zoo with Kaylee at least one or two more times before the holidays, as well as trying to do some other activities! Before long, she will be in school, and these days will only be a memory!
6) Feeling baby!  I know this little one is wriggling away in there right now, but I can't feel anything yet. (I blame all that cushion!) I can't wait to feel this little one growing and moving about, and I am looking forward to seeing Kaylee's face the first time she can feel him or her, too!

There is so much more to list, but you will just have to wait for me to blog about it later! I LOVE the second trimester, and I plan on enjoying every single moment of it! I have my 16 week appointment in two weeks, so I will be sure to post any important updates then! Until then, keep us in your prayers!

Love and Blessings,

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