"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I'm a Lucky Woman...

I think we women, as wives, sometimes tend to overlook how lucky we are to have the men that we have in our lives. I guess, for myself, I grew up with a father that could do, fix or build just about anything, so, naturally, I just assumed when I found my husband, he would be able to do the same!

When I met Gene, back in college, I found out quickly that he was knowledgeable on many subjects. He had worked with an electrician since he was a teenager, and that was the work he was doing when I met him. My family was excited about this because it was the one thing my dad had no interest in messing with - electricity! He came in handy when it was time to change out wiring in an old house, upgrade an electric service or just put up a new fan! Shortly, after I met Gene, I ended up having to have my car fixed, and I shelled out a LOT of money to do so. Gene told me a week later that I could've bought the parts, and he could've installed them for free to save me $$$ - too little, too late! He had worked rebuilding old model cars for the "old man" in Big Spring, so he knew a little about engines. He is now the official at home mechanic for stuff like changing out brakes and other little jobs. I think my dad enjoys that as well! So, he could do electrical and mechanical...still not everything...right? Nope! He took a side project on to remodel the guest quarters of a good friend of our's in College Station. By the time I married Gene, two years after meeting him, I had found out that he could do just about anything asked of him. Well, he wasn't the greatest painter, but I guess you can't be good at everything!

As a little girl, I had always expected my daddy to build my house. When I married Gene, I knew he would be a big part of that, too. Working for Tilson, Gene had the connections to get the stuff done that we couldn't do ourselves, but for the most part, he and my dad built our house from the ground up! I remember going through a ton of houseplans, trying to find that exact one that would meet all of our expectations. It was impossible - I was so picky on what I wanted. Finally, Gene said, "Just draw it up, and we'll build it." That is exactly what I did. At around 2 a.m. one morning, I woke up with the exact plan in my head. I got up, flipped on the bedroom light, put it on paper and showed Gene. He liked it, and had a friend involved in drafting draw it up "officially." This November, we will have been living in this house for three years! It is hard to believe it's been that long already. I know, though, that I wouldn't have it if it weren't for Gene!
(During the building process...)

You wouldn't think it, but even with a new home, you can still find things to change. When we built, there were a couple things left for future projects. One of those was our office. Call it a "blank slate" of some sort. This past fall, I finally decided what I wanted for that room. Gene walked in from work one day, and I handed him a drawing of what I wanted. His reply, "You're going to have to buy this." I was shocked! "YOU, can't build it?!!" I replied. I just couldn't believe my ears. I set down my drawing, and put the thought of my dream office in the back of my mind. By the end of the week, I caught Gene with the drawing out in his workshop beginning construction on my new built-in! It turned out beautiful! See for yourself...

(I have to give my daddy credit for the paint job on the built-in and the walls! Like I said, Gene isn't a painter!)

Since I have gotten pregnant, I have been nesting like crazy already! I am on a mission to reorganize every closet and cabinet in this house. One closet that has driven me crazy since we moved in is our hall closet. The shelves we had installed were the simple wire closet shelving, which are fine for clothes, but not blankets and larger items. I was always having issues with items falling off the shelves or just not fitting all together. Everything would end up on the floor, and you couldn't even walk into the walk-in closet. I wouldn't even show it to people when they wanted to tour the house - I was so embarrassed! A week ago, I asked Gene if there was anyway we could change out those shelves. He told me to draw up what I wanted, and he would do it. Here are the before and after shots...

It's like heaven behind those doors!

When Gene and I decided that we were going to get married, and we were discussing our lifelong dreams and goals, he told me, "I will do everything I can to give you everything you have ever wanted!" At the time, I just assumed they were words of love, but reality usually tells us that we don't get everything we want. Well, Gene must be pretty good at defying those odds, because here is the list of things I wanted out of life at that time...

1. I want to get married. (Check)
2. I want to live in a big beautiful home with a big yard in the Hill Country close to my family. (Check)
3. I want three kids. (Workin' on it!)
4. I want to be a stay-at-home mom. (Check)
5. I want us all to be happy and healthy. (Check - most of the time!)

I'd say he's kept his promise, and he continues to do so every single day! He listens to my hopes and dreams for the future, and I have no doubt that he'll do whatever he can to support those. Whether I decide to start my own business or go back to school, he will be beside me, rooting me on!

While Gene may not be good at cleaning up after himself, and he may not be one to help clean the house or do laundry, he is a wonderful husband, father and provider for our family! He was rough around the edges when I met him, but I have done some work on him over the years. You can say he's done much of the same for me. Never a day passes by when I don't thank God for giving me this man to love. We are still a work in progress, and that is how it should be! I wish for many more years to grow and change with this man I call my husband, and I hope that I never forget that I'm a lucky woman!

Love and blessings,

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