"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Where did the time go?

I've been absolutely AWFUL about blogging, lately! It just seems that there is never enough time in the day, and I'm just too exhausted when the evening rolls around. That...or Pinterest is keeping me occupied!

To catch up on things, Bryson is now THREE MONTHS OLD, and my baby girl is almost FIVE AND A HALF YEARS OLD! I ask myself everyday, "Where did the time go?" It's already July, and in less than two months, Kaylee will be leaving me to become a Kindergartner. I finally broke down and ordered her backpack, and it came the other day. It looked so big...until I put it on her. It made her look like such a big girl! Well...I suppose she is, but I'd rather not admit it.

So many things worry me about Kaylee starting school. My number one worry is how many times she will be visiting Mr. Harper in the principal's office! I know, I know...she's a good kid, but she has a little trouble listening and would much rather do what she wants rather than what she is told to do. I'm hoping she will surprise us, and be the PERFECT student (just like Mommy was)! She's incredibly smart and creative, so I have no worries about her scholastic performance. It's the social aspect that I think we'll have issues with. She's a social butterfly, which can be good and bad. She has been known to, on occasion, forget the task at hand while conversating on irrelevant subjects. For example, during soccer she spent more time telling the other little girls that she liked their hair or shoes than paying attention to what was going on in the game! Another big issue we are going to have to deal with is BOYS! For some reason, little boys like our little girl...A LOT! We've made it clear that she cannot have a boyfriend...not anytime soon. She loves attention, though, and she's easily coerced into things she's not supposed to do. I'm working on teaching her that being an individual is very important - as is thinking for yourself. We've also been talking about the fact that you should treat EVERYONE with respect, and that includes people that may be disrespectful to you. We've all judged and been judged in our lifetime, so you know what I'm talking about. I'm trying to teach Kaylee to be a kind-hearted, respectful friend to all. I've told her that everyone is different, we all come from different backgrounds, and everyone deserves the same amount of consideration. Trying to teach your child not to laugh or poke fun at others is a difficult task...mostly, because they haven't experienced as much hatefullness in their lifetime. Kaylee's been even more sheltered, so I'll be waiting for that day when she comes home crying because of something someone did or said that hurt her feelings. Despite her confidence, she is sensitive like her mommy! I know school will be a great experience for Kaylee, but I can't help but want to guard her from all of the evils in the world!

As for Bryson, our boy is getting BIG! At three months old, he is already weighing in at 15 pounds...a month ahead of where his sister was in growth. He's still a shorty though! I'm pretty sure he is wanting to up his feeding volume at the moment, but it's difficult for me to move him up from six ounces every three hours! I just don't understand where he puts it all. He's becoming quite the little ham, and he smiles all the time. He began grabbing his toys a couple weeks ago, just after finding his hands the week before! He wakes up so happy in the mornings, and he giggles like crazy! He does have a temper, though, when it's time to eat or if he's overly tired. He is still sleeping through the night, in general, with the occasional early wake-up at 4 or 5 in the morning. I think he'd sleep longer with a diaper that would hold more and an extra ounce of formula before bed. He had his first swim this summer, and he LOVES the water! He's going to be a fish just like his big sister. We went camping this past weekend, and he enjoyed playing in the river, as well! He stayed with my parents in their fifth-wheel trailer, so he hasn't had that tent experience just yet. I have no doubt that he would have done fine in it though. He is also lifting his head up, completely, when laying on his tummy! He is very strong, and moves all over his crib already. I think he'll end up crawling before he rolls over at the rate he is going. I joke that he'll be like a turtle in that, when put on this back, he won't be able to go anywhere! Bryson is crazy about his big sister, and he laughs at everything she does. I think they are going to be the best of friends!

I don't know what I'll be doing someday when my kids grow up, but I know that, for now, they are keeping me busy 110% of the time! Between sports, dancing, school, doctor's visits and trying to find family time, our lives are full and fantastic. Even on the most hectic of days when I am pulling my hair out by the handfuls (literally), and my head aches from telling Kaylee for the 17th time to do something, I know I am so very blessed to have these kiddos in my care! I wouldn't trade them for the world! I know that time will keep flying by, so I am doing everything in my power to enjoy every moment with them. Before I know it, another day has gone by, and the most important thing is that I am there for every special moment! That way, I can be sure to answer that ultimate question of , "Where did the time go?"

Love and Blessings,

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