"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Friday, May 27, 2011

I could be sad today...

May 27, 2011....It's just another day on the calender to most people, but to me, it will forever have another meaning. May 27th was the day our baby was due to come into this world. I have dreaded this day for the past seven months. Seven months, that's how long it's been since our little angel we call Bethany, left our lives.

I never thought I would be able to handle this day as well as I have, so far. Granted, it's only noon as I write his blog, but I feel in my heart a feeling that comes unexpectedly - like the feeling of a wound that has healed. Don't get me wrong, the scar will forever be there, but the hurt fades more each day.

I wrote a letter to Bethany a week from the day I found out I was losing her. It was painful, but theraputic. Today, I will sit down with the only photos I have of her, taken the day I saw her heart beating, and I will read that letter. Then, I will put it away and do my best to promise myself to move on.

There is another child awaiting it's time to be our miracle, and we can't wait to meet him, her or them - whatever God decides. Until then, rest in peace my sweet angel, and celebrate this day, the day you were going to be born! I will love you forever, and I'll see you again one day! ~Love, Mommy~

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