"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Officially the big ol' dirty thirty!

So, it is finally happening! I am officially turning 30 tommorrow morning. I suppose this is the decade for a new beginning, right?!! I've been dreading this day for so long now, I don't quite remember what I was so terrified of to begin with. (Oh, no! The age is getting to me already!)

In all actuality, it's just a number. I've been celebrating anniversaries of my 21st birthday for the past eight years. What was so great about 21? Well, that's a silly question, but so many great things have happened since then. In those eight years, I finished two college degrees, met and married the love of my life, had the most beautiful child I could have ever imagined and built our dream home! Sounds great to me! If I was a 100% "glass half full" kind of gal, this would be a great accomplishment. I've always been big on setting goals way too high and being oh so disappointed when I don't accomplish every single one.

Of all the goals I set to accomplish before I turned 30, there's only two that I didn't reach. One of those goals was to be a successful contributor to my family. I had to forego this goal for a new one that I wanted a little bit more - to be a stay-at-home-mom! You could say they are one in the same, for I do contribute to my family in many ways. I never imagined staying at home would be in my future, but I wouldn't trade it for the world! 

The second goal was to have another child. This one cuts deep because, had I not miscarried in October of last year, I'd be having our baby this month. That would have been the greatest 30th birthday gift ever! Nonetheless, God had other plans for our family. We will keep trying for more children, and we'll see what is meant to be!

I was able to accomplish one thing that I never expected. I have managed to lose eight years worth of weight gain! For some, this is nothing. For me, this is everything! Anyone who knows me knows that I have struggled with weight issues my entire life. I self-loathed for many years. I literally hated myself for what I looked like. When you get to that point, you, more or less, give up. It took college and friends to finally learn to accept something that I figured would never change, and it took meeting my husband for me to love myself. Loving yourself doesn't make the weight fall off, though. I got comfortable, and put on another 70 pounds. With all the beautiful things I have been blessed with in my life, I finally figured out that I finally had something to live for. I slowly started trying to lose weight in January of last year. As of May 1st, I have lost over 70 pounds! That's a fat gymnist! I am far from finished, and I hope everyone of my loved ones know that I'm not doing this for me, alone. I am doing this for every single one of them, as well! I know I'll never be supermodel thin, but I will be healthy and here!

So, I guess if I want to have that great "new beginning" that comes along with being in my thirties (eeek!), I'll do it with grace. I'm going to set short, attainable goals and trust in the Lord to guide me through it all! I will be the best wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend that I can be! (That's not a big one at all - I know! Give me some time. I'm new at this!)

Time will tell what my thirties will bring to me, and time is telling me that I need to get rested up to ring in the "Next 30 Years" with all the people I love this weekend! I'm going into my thirties the same way I went into my twenties, with a big ol' party! The next time you all hear from me, that's right, I'll be 30!

Love and Blessings,

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